Dyneco is a professional IT services company expert in Automation solutions.
We combine Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Cognitive Automation (RPA + AI) technologies and expertise with Computer Vision and OCR solutions to design complete automated solutions for your business processes.
We help you to unlock the benefits of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) by cultivating an operational culture ready for the future and achive rapid Return on Investment.
Work better and faster
Reduce OPEX and operational costs
Gain in Quality and Accuracy
Improve Customer Experience
Scale up or down operation as needed and easily
Our goal is to bring the best technologies and methodologies to you so you become more efficient and see ROI in very short terms.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) refers to a non invasive technology used to perform tasks across multiple applications just as human workers would do.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a non-invasive technology allowing automation of time and resources consuming business processes across any number of software applications by mimicking human actions.
RPA aims to replace repetitive tasks performed by humans, with a virtual workforce. Humans then make judgmental calls, handle exceptions and provide oversight.
RPA can run processes in the background or interact with a human as part of an automated process.
Robotic automation uses a computer to run application software in the exact same way that a person works with that software.
Macros are short sequence of code that perform a set of instructions to complete a single task. The universal character of RPA allows to disclaim the need of knowledge of specific programming languages necessary for each platform. Unlike with RPA, the knowledge of programming language to write and maintain a macro is a must which often means a time consuming learning period.
RPA is system agnostic. It means that you are now able to automate actions on multiple applications in multiple environments at the same time. Due to the ease of learn and the ease of maintain the robot, RPA give you a faster ROI and enables you to automate complex manually performed tasks.
RPA is ideally suited for tasks involving transactional data from a variety of sources.
Some examples of its current application include: Invoice processing, accounts payable, travel and expenses, claims processing, payroll input and change of (address, name, etc.). It is estimated that up to 45 percent of the activities companies pay people to perform can be automated through RPA.
Have you got questions about RPA? Contact us at hello@dyneco.be to discuss.
RPA can save cost. RPA processes can run 24/7 and works extremely fast and accurately. This does not mean removing humans but often allowing them to sort out issues and add value. If the 80% standard is taken care of by an RPA robot, then human effort can be focused on the other 20%.
RPA is best viewed as empowering a workforce to be able to do more and not as a means of replacing people.